Ahhhhh. What a wonderful feeling. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts in on a crisp morning breeze. What a badly written disaster movie of a nightmare - unstoppable wildfires, murder hornets, fake news, quarantines, lockdowns, protests, war, bombings, and even a turbulent election in the middle of a year long global pandemic. At least it’s abundantly obvious a year like that could never actually happen in real life. Maybe half a dozen slices of week-old sardine pizza and that cheeto you found under the couch didn’t make for the best midnight snack After All.
What’s that you say? It was all real? Every bit of it? Like, even the toilet paper hoarding and the part where half the good celebrities died? Yeah, forget the coffee. I think we all need something a little stronger. Cheers, Everyone.